Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Web images are not FREE!!!!

Just because you find a photo online, does not mean it's free to use. Funny, most people don't understand this. Say you find a baseball cap on a neighbor's front door step. Can you pick up the cap and walk away with it?
Clearly, the answer is NO.
But, many people think that if it's on the web, it's free for the taking. Not so. Photographs, movies, paintings, cartoons--all visual materials- are COPYRIGHTED. That means someone else owns them. Unless the owner places the image into the public domain, which means anyone can use it, or if the copyright has expired (there's a 75 year waiting period for this).
Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Google Images all have tantalizing images. You can't use them unless you ask the owner, and in some cases, clear rights, permissions, and pay for the right to use the image.
So remember, just because it's on the web, doesn't make it free for anyone to use.

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Photo editor, researcher
